About Us
RA ŽSK is an agency providing services of general interest to support regional development. In cooperation with the local government, civil society and the private sector, we work on sustainable development and help create better living conditions for people living in the Žilina region.
Research, development and innovation
Education and the labor market
Development of the region, towns and municipalities
ŽSK Youth Work Section
Ing. Milan Laurenčík – predseda
RNDr. Peter Dobeš
Ing. Albín Maslaňák
Dušan Mičian
Ing. Ján Pavlík, PhD.
Ing. Pavel Balcárek
PaedDr. Peter Vons
Ing. Peter Weber
prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD.
Supervisory Board
JUDr. PhDr. Martin Cingel – predseda
Ing. Július Piták
Ing. Michal Slašťan
Jozef Straka
PaedDr. Jaroslav Velička