Research, development and innovation

Research, development and innovation include investments in discovering new technologies, increasing company capacity, and improving the way of working and production. It is about technological innovation, improvement of human capital, but it can also be an “aha” moment in form of a good idea improving working procedures. Successful research and development lead to innovation of new products. The main objective of project preparation in the field of research, development and innovation is to support the creation of a knowledge economy and cooperation at all levels.

Education and the labor market

Education plays a central role in preparing an individual for the labor market, which is constantly changing. This requires a skilled workforce capable of responding flexibly to market needs. The ability of society and the individual to compete depends on the relationship between education and employment. This enables the education system to be more able to respond to the demands of the labor market also through EU funds focused on education.


Support during project preparation focuses on all key areas of the environment, in particular its protection, the efficient use of natural resources, flood protection, adaptation to climate change as well as the promotion of a low-carbon economy.


The main aim is to support the infrastructure of the regional secondary and tertiary roads through their (re)construction and modernization in order to improve accessibility to TEN-T infrastructure and primary roads, with an emphasis on the development of a multimodal transport system. The support is also directed at the development of non-motorized transport through the construction of new cycle paths in the given area.

Development of the region, towns and municipalities

Regional policy is a cohesion policy that reduces disparities and supports the continuous improvement of the competitiveness of towns and municipalities. EU regional policy funds help less developed regions increase their competitiveness and achieve a faster pace of sustainable economic growth by co-financing infrastructure projects, developing the information society, accelerating the transfer of know-how, promoting investment in human resources, and cross-border cooperation projects.

Culture and tourism

In the field of culture and tourism, EU funds support transnational partnerships, networks, platforms and develop area-specific initiatives. Cultural and creative operators are supported in their efforts to reach audiences in Europe. Also, elements are created to highlight specific social benefits that culture brings to individuals and societies.